Monday, August 4, 2008

too much?

so i haven't blogged in awhile! too busy i guess. don't have anything to write? no. too much to write. 

i really dislike mondays. the weekend is an excuse to nap, read, relax, etc. since you worked so hard all week. but monday, that's another story. its the beginning. everything you need to do looms in front of you. it feel like you have to do everything right now. 

my house is a disaster. the laundry pile is massive, the dishes need doing, miriam's room is a mess from unpacking after going out of town, we need milk and diapers, i need to wash/iron the curtains for our bedroom since we painted it 2 weeks ago, i have things to make for customers and for the farmer's market in september (more news about that later), unfinished projects. some marketing for another little job i have, and on top of all of that i have a job that pays actual money that i have to do during miriam's naps! 

when i didn't have a child somehow this list would have been a piece of cake, and even then i had a full time job out of the house. why is it that even though i stay at home i feel like i have no time!? i say yes too much, i commit myself to too much. but it always seems that there is a really good reason why i should commit myself to it. money seems to be the big reason. always is i guess. 

ok, no more complaining. today's schedule is: clean kitchen and do laundry while miriam naps this morn and then go to target for milk and diapers and other errands (oh, and i need gas) then home for lunch and nap. during her afternoon nap i have a bunch of work for my little job. more laundry and cleaning. then my respite is dinner with a good friend at 7! 

i think i should fill my day with music, it really motivates me. my new favorite is ADELE